Αγαπητοί φίλοι, στις αρχές του Δεκέμβρη η Ευρωπαίκή Επιτροπή θα διατυπώσει επίσημη άποψη – και πιθανότατα θα εγκρίνει– στην πρόταση της Βουλγαρικής Κυβέρνησης για το χτίσιμο πυρηνικού εργοστασίου κοντά στην πόλη Belene στη Βόρεια Βουλγαρία, μια περιοχή που βρίσκεται σε ζώνη σεισμικής δραστηριότητας.
Παρακαλώ, εφόσον διαφωνείτε με την ίδρυση και λειτουργία του εργοστασίου αυτού να στείλετε e-mail διαμαρτυρίας στον πρόεδρο της Ευρωπαϊκής επιτροπής, Jose Manuel Baroso, e-mail sg-web-president@ec.europa.eu και στον Επίτροπο Ενέργειας Andris Piebalgs, e-mail andris.piebalgs@ec.europa.eu
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το ιστορικό της περιιχής Belene στη διεύθυνση:
ΣΣ και των δικών μας:
http://ecology-salonika.gr/lib/?p=634, http://ecology-salonika.gr/lib/?p=470
Δείγμα της επιστολής.
Dear Mr Barroso and Mr Piebalgs,
I am writing to you out of concern about the European Commission’s impending decision on the Belene nuclear power project. The plan to build a nuclear power plant (NPP) near the town of Belene in northern Bulgaria goes back to the early 1980s. Even then, Soviet scientists warned that this site is seismically active and thus not suitable for a nuclear power station.
During the last large earthquake in the region in 1977 over 120 people died just 14 kilometres from the planned NPP site. In the early 1990s, Belene was scrapped and the first democratically elected government in Bulgaria determined the project to be “technically unsafe and economically unviable”.
This was shortly after the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences issued a 421-page study that came to a negative assessment of
the project and specifically warned against the seismic risks present in this location.
More recently, many private banks have also come to a negative assessment of the Belene project. Last year banks from Italy, the U.S., Switzerland, and Germany all turned down financial applications for the Belene project. Several of the banks cited public concern about the earthquake risks as a decisive factor in their decision.
I am therefore all the more surprised to hear that the European Commission is poised to deliver a positive opinion on the proposed
Belene NPP. A positive assessment from the Commission would enable Bulgaria to apply for loans for Belene from public institutions such as Euratom and the European Investment Bank.
If the Commission wants to secure the health and safety of European
citizens, it should not issue a positive opinion on a project which Soviet scientists, former Bulgarian governments and numerous commercial banks have all assessed as negative. European taxpayers’ money must not be used for a project that will put millions of people at risk.
My personal plea to you and the other Commissioners is: Use common sense. Don’t play Russian roulette. Don’t approve the construction of nuclear reactors in an earthquake zone!
I would be pleased to receive a direct reply to this email.
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